Salim Jay.

Security Consultant

Penetration Tester

Linux Administrator


Salim Jay.

Security Consultant

Penetration Tester

Linux Administrator


Author: admin

October 3, 2022 Bash Reference Manual

These variables are set or used by Bash, but other shells do not normally treat them specially. A few variables used by Bash are described in different chapters: variables for controlling the job control facilities (see Job Control Variables). _ ¶ ($_, an underscore.) At shell startup, set to the pathname used to invoke the…

October 3, 2022 Kubernetes: Up & Running

Want to have a good book?By : Kelsey HightowerPlease visit our website at : reading and good luck, hope you feel at home 🙂 Source

October 3, 2022 Linux Training for DevOps | Linux Tutorials for DevOps | DevOps Online Training

Linux Tutorials for DevOps, Best Linux Tutorials, Linux Tutorials for Beginners. DevOps is a software development method that emphasizes communication, collaboration (information sharing and web service usage), integration, automation and measurement of cooperation between software developers and other IT professionals. The method acknowledges the interdependence of software development, quality assurance, and IT operations, and…

October 3, 2022 Meetup Agile Pays Basque 2018.1 – Infrastructure as (a) Code – #IaaC

DĂ©couvrez la captation du meetup,Ă©alisĂ© sans trucages, en tenant le tĂ©lĂ©phone tenu Ă  main nue ou posĂ© sur la table Ă  l’arrache–> dĂ©solĂ© pour la qualitĂ© 😉 Source